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# Ch05 lab
Run the app:
kubectl apply -f lab/todo-list
Check the pods - the proxy fails. Logs tell you why:
kubectl get pods
kubectl logs -l app=todo-proxy-lab
The proxy pod needs the cache directory to exist before it starts. So there are two volumes to provide:
- in the proxy a volume to mount to `/data/nginx/cache` (from the logs)
- in the web app a mount to `/data` (from the env settings in the pod spec).
## Sample solution
I'm using PVCs with no storage class defined, so they will use the default provisioner. These YAML files contain the PVC spec and updated deployment specs:
- [proxy.yaml](solution/proxy.yaml)
- [web.yaml](solution/web.yaml)
Deploy the updates and check volumes:
kubectl apply -f lab/solution/
kubectl get pvc
kubectl get pv
Find the URL for the proxy:
kubectl get svc todo-proxy-lab -o jsonpath='http://{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].*}:8082'
Browse, add some items, delete the pods:
kubectl delete pod -l app=todo-proxy-lab
kubectl delete pod -l app=todo-web-lab
Refresh your browser, and you should see your original data.