854 B

Puppeteer parsing function handler

This workspace is used to provide the GCF for the app to handle requests for the article parsing via Puppeteer.

Using locally

Copy .env.example file to .env file: cp .env.example .env

Run yarn start to start the Google Cloud Function locally (Works without hot reloading).

After this, you should be able to access the function on http://localhost:8080/puppeteer


To deploy the function use the following command:

gcloud functions deploy puppeteer --runtime nodejs12 --trigger-http --memory 1GB --set-env-vars REST_BACKEND_ENDPOINT=<backend-address>,JWT_SECRET=<jwt-secret>


<backend-address> - address of the backend server (e.g "http://localhost:4000")

<jwt-secret> - JWT secret that the backend server is using (e.g "some_secret")