17 lines
590 B

echo '---------'
echo "kiamol.sh as: $(whoami)"
echo '---------'
# create the cluster
mkdir -p ~/.kube
sudo kind create cluster --image kindest/node:v1.18.8 --name kiamol --kubeconfig /home/vagrant/.kube/config
sudo chown vagrant ~/.kube/config
# set MOTD
sudo sh -c 'echo "\n** Learn Kubernetes in a Month of Lunches **\n** https://kiamol.net **\nSource is in /kiamol\nIf Kubectl does not respond, start the Kind container with:\n docker start kiamol-control-plane\n" > /etc/motd'
# add aliases:
echo "alias k='kubectl'" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "alias d='docker'" >> ~/.bashrc