Ch16 lab
Deploy OPA Gatekeeper:
kubectl apply -f lab/gatekeeper.yaml
And the constraint template:
kubectl apply -f lab/restrictedPaths-template.yaml
Sample Solution
The constraint template uses a paths
parameter to list restricted paths.
My constraint specifies paths and a label selector.
Deploy the constraint:
kubectl apply -f lab/solution/restrictedPaths-constraint.yaml
Try to deploy an app which uses restricted paths:
kubectl apply -f lab/sleep.yaml
kubectl get all -l app=sleep
kubectl describe rs -l app=sleep
You should see the ReplicaSet has zero Pods, and the detail shows the error message from the constraint
You can fix it with an updated sleep spec:
kubectl apply -f lab/solution/sleep.yaml
kubectl get all -l app=sleep
kubectl describe rs -l app=sleep
Delete all the resources:
kubectl delete -f lab/solution/sleep.yaml
kubectl delete RestrictedPaths,ConstraintTemplates --all
kubectl delete -f lab/gatekeeper.yaml