Ch15 lab


Deploy the ingress controller:

kubectl apply -f lab/ingress-nginx/

Sample Solution

The background info is in the Nginx ingress controller spec

  • it's set to monitor one namespace with the argument: --watch-namespace=kiamol-ch15-lab

  • it uses a custom ingress class name: --ingress-class=nginx-lab

Deploy the app to the correct namespace:

kubectl apply -f lab/apod/ -n kiamol-ch15-lab

My Ingress specs for the API and the website specify the ingress class and the rate limit in annotations:

kubectl apply -f lab/solution/ -n kiamol-ch15-lab

Add the domain to your hosts file (use .sh script file on Linux/macOS):

./add-to-hosts.ps1 api.apod.local ingress-lab

./add-to-hosts.ps1 web.apod.local ingress-lab

Browse to http://www.apod.local/ and http://api.apod.local/image and you'll get responses

Refresh a lot and you'll get a 503 error:

503 from a rate-limiting ingress controller


Remove the lab namespaces:

kubectl delete ns -l kiamol=ch15-lab