Ch14 lab
Deploy the monitoring subsystem:
kubectl apply -f lab/monitoring/
Browse to the Prometheus UI - there are no targets
Sample Solution
This is the background info:
Prometheus is configured to find targets in the namespace
all exporters are listed on the Prometheus docs
the Elasticsearch exporter exposes metrics on port 9114.
My solution is in elasticsearch.yaml.
Create the namespace and deploy the app:
kubectl create ns kiamol-ch14-lab
kubectl apply -f lab/elasticsearch.yml -n kiamol-ch14-lab
Back in Prometheus you'll see the target added, with about 300 new metrics
is the most basic, it should return 1
and show the version info in the labels:
Remove the namespaces and that removes everything:
kubectl delete ns kiamol-ch14-lab
kubectl delete ns kiamol-ch14-lab-monitoring