Ch12 lab
Deploy the namespaces & Services:
kubectl apply -f lab/namespaces.yaml -f lab/services.yaml
Find out how many cores your node has available:
kubectl get nodes -o jsonpath='{.items[].status.allocatable.cpu}'
Quotas should allocate 50% for UAT, 25% for test and 25% for dev
Sample Solution
My node has 8 CPU cores, so my quotas.yaml is set with 4 cores for UAT and 2 each for dev and test.
Set the quotas:
kubectl apply -f lab/solution/quotas.yaml
My Pi app is set in web.yaml to use 0.5 cores, so I can run at least four replicas in every environment.
Deploy to each namespace:
kubectl apply -f lab/solution/web.yaml -n pi-dev
kubectl apply -f lab/solution/web.yaml -n pi-test
kubectl apply -f lab/solution/web.yaml -n pi-uat
You should find all ReplicaSets are running at desired capacity:
kubectl get rs -l app=pi-web --all-namespaces
UAT has enough quota to run 8 replicas on my node:
kubectl scale deploy/pi-web --replicas 8 -n pi-uat
... except that it doesn't:
kubectl get rs -l app=pi-web -n pi-uat\
# returns 6 Pods running out of 8 desired
You can't use 100% of the node's CPU because Kubernetes system components allocate CPU themselves.
Remove the namespaces and that removes everything:
kubectl delete ns -l kiamol=ch12-lab