Ch10 lab

Run the app using plain manifests (from this lab folder):

kubectl apply -f ./todo-list/

Get the URL and browse:

kubectl get svc todo-web -o jsonpath='http://{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].*}:8080'

Sample Solution

My Helm chart templates the Kubernetes manifests for all the resources:

The default values specify the Test environment and a Service port of 8080.

Validate the chart:

helm lint ./ch10-lab-solution

Install the test setup:

helm install lab-test ./ch10-lab-solution

You can browse on port 8080, and the /config path returns a 404

Install the dev setup:

helm install -f dev-values.yaml lab-dev ./ch10-lab-solution

You can browse on port 8088, and the /config path is working


Uninstall the Helm releases:

helm uninstall lab-test lab-dev

Delete other lab resources by their labels:

kubectl delete all -l kiamol=ch10-lab