Ch05 lab
Run the app:
kubectl apply -f lab/todo-list
Check the pods - the proxy fails. Logs tell you why:
kubectl get pods
kubectl logs -l app=todo-proxy-lab
The proxy pod needs the cache directory to exist before it starts. So there are two volumes to provide:
- in the proxy a volume to mount to
(from the logs) - in the web app a mount to
(from the env settings in the pod spec).
Sample solution
I'm using PVCs with no storage class defined, so they will use the default provisioner. These YAML files contain the PVC spec and updated deployment specs:
Deploy the updates and check volumes:
kubectl apply -f lab/solution/
kubectl get pvc
kubectl get pv
Find the URL for the proxy:
kubectl get svc todo-proxy-lab -o jsonpath='http://{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].*}:8082'
Browse, add some items, delete the pods:
kubectl delete pod -l app=todo-proxy-lab
kubectl delete pod -l app=todo-web-lab
Refresh your browser, and you should see your original data.