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# Kubernetes uses an annotation to mark the default storage class rather than a label,
# so that needs a JSONPath query - plus there are different annotation keys for
# different Kubernetes versions. This finds the configured default and writes the spec as JSON:
kubectl get sc $(kubectl get storageclass -o jsonpath="{range .items[?(@.metadata.annotations.storageclass\.kubernetes\.io/is-default-class == 'true')]}{.metadata.name}") $(kubectl get storageclass -o jsonpath="{range.items[?(@.metadata.annotations.storageclass\.beta\.kubernetes\.io/is-default-class == 'true')]}{.metadata.name}") -o json > defaultStorageClass.json
# create a pod which has some tools and a script we can use to clone the sc definition:
kubectl apply -f storageClass/clone-storageClass-script.yaml
# wait for the pod:
kubectl wait --for=condition=Ready pod/clone-sc
# copy the default sc spec into the cloning pod:
kubectl cp defaultStorageClass.json clone-sc:/defaultStorageClass.json
# run the clone script, which generates a custom sc defintion:
kubectl exec clone-sc -- /scripts/duplicate-default-storage-class.sh > kiamolStorageClass.json
# apply the new sc:
kubectl apply -f kiamolStorageClass.json
# and remove the cloning pod:
kubectl delete -f storageClass/clone-storageClass-script.yaml