
This workspace is dedicated to API server that uses Apollo GraphQL server and Knex query builder to provide the app with data operations.

GraphQL schema

GraphQL schema is located in schema.ts. In order to use new types, queries or mutations you need to declare them there and then run yarn gql-typegen from the application root to create the necessary typings in order to write GQL queries from the app.

Apollo resolvers and data sources

We make use of Apollo resolvers and data sources. Resolvers typically contain business logic and handling of user domain errors, while data sources are ideally simple atomic database operations.

Interacting with the database

All operations on the database must be wrapped in Knex transaction on a resolver layer. This ensures data integrity and safety with no side effects on a failed operations.

Because we make use of Row Level Security in the database, - all operations typically begin with assuming the role for which policies exist via omnivore.set_claims database function.


We use ElasticSearch to store page data in a distributed manner. This is a great way to store data that is not easily searchable. All the page data is stored in a single index pages. This index is then queried by the app to display the data. You need to make sure you have an elasticsearch instance running locally (or just use docker compose). ES url is specified by ES_URL environment variable (username ES_USERNAME and password ES_PASSWORD can be random strings in local environment).

When you're running elastic for the very first time, you need to create indices and ingest existing data. This can be done by running python This operation is idempotent, so you can always run python again to re-ingest all the data.

You can run ElasticSearch separately by using docker compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d elastic.

Image Proxy (optional for local dev)

Backend API server returns article image links using image proxy (/imageproxy). You will need to set the env with var IMAGE_PROXY_URL to point to a running instance of image proxy along with env var IMAGE_PROXY_SECRET. The same secret env var ought to be passed as config to the running image proxy service. You can also use the docker-compose-dev.yml file to bring up just the image proxy service alone (w/ env var for secret specified in the compose file) by running: docker compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml up -d imageproxy.

When running locally, use the .env.local file to set up the env variables in your environment.

Set up the database

Refer the using locally section from db README.

Copy .env.example file to .env file:

cp .env.example .env

Run the app

yarn dev