name: E2E Home Server Test Suite on: workflow_call: inputs: snjs_image_tag: type: string default: latest description: The Docker image tag used for SNJS container suite: type: string default: all description: The test suite to run jobs: e2e-home-server: name: (Home Server) E2E Test Suite strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: db_type: [mysql, sqlite] cache_type: [redis, memory] runs-on: ubuntu-latest services: snjs: image: standardnotes/snjs:${{ inputs.snjs_image_tag }} ports: - 9001:9001 cache: image: redis ports: - 6379:6379 db: image: mysql ports: - 3306:3306 env: MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: root MYSQL_DATABASE: standardnotes MYSQL_USER: standardnotes MYSQL_PASSWORD: standardnotes steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Set up Node uses: actions/setup-node@v3 with: registry-url: '' node-version-file: '.nvmrc' - name: Install Dependencies run: yarn install --immutable - name: Build run: yarn build - name: Copy dotenv file run: cp packages/home-server/.env.sample packages/home-server/.env - name: Fill in env variables run: | sed -i "s/JWT_SECRET=/JWT_SECRET=$(openssl rand -hex 32)/g" packages/home-server/.env sed -i "s/AUTH_JWT_SECRET=/AUTH_JWT_SECRET=$(openssl rand -hex 32)/g" packages/home-server/.env sed -i "s/ENCRYPTION_SERVER_KEY=/ENCRYPTION_SERVER_KEY=$(openssl rand -hex 32)/g" packages/home-server/.env sed -i "s/PSEUDO_KEY_PARAMS_KEY=/PSEUDO_KEY_PARAMS_KEY=$(openssl rand -hex 32)/g" packages/home-server/.env sed -i "s/VALET_TOKEN_SECRET=/VALET_TOKEN_SECRET=$(openssl rand -hex 32)/g" packages/home-server/.env echo "ACCESS_TOKEN_AGE=4" >> packages/home-server/.env echo "REFRESH_TOKEN_AGE=10" >> packages/home-server/.env echo "REVISIONS_FREQUENCY=2" >> packages/home-server/.env echo "CONTENT_SIZE_TRANSFER_LIMIT=1000000" >> packages/home-server/.env echo "DB_HOST=localhost" >> packages/home-server/.env echo "DB_PORT=3306" >> packages/home-server/.env echo "DB_DATABASE=standardnotes" >> packages/home-server/.env echo "DB_SQLITE_DATABASE_PATH=homeserver.db" >> packages/home-server/.env echo "DB_USERNAME=standardnotes" >> packages/home-server/.env echo "DB_PASSWORD=standardnotes" >> packages/home-server/.env echo "DB_TYPE=${{ matrix.db_type }}" >> packages/home-server/.env echo "DB_DEBUG_LEVEL=all" >> packages/home-server/.env echo "REDIS_URL=redis://localhost:6379" >> packages/home-server/.env echo "CACHE_TYPE=${{ matrix.cache_type }}" >> packages/home-server/.env echo "FILES_SERVER_URL=http://localhost:3123" >> packages/home-server/.env echo "E2E_TESTING=true" >> packages/home-server/.env - name: Run Server run: nohup yarn workspace @standardnotes/home-server start > logs/output.log 2>&1 & env: PORT: 3123 - name: Wait for server to start run: for i in {1..30}; do curl -s http://localhost:3123/healthcheck && break || sleep 1; done - name: Run E2E Test Suite run: yarn dlx mocha-headless-chrome --timeout 3600000 -f http://localhost:9001/mocha/test.html?suite=${{ inputs.suite }} - name: Archive failed run logs if: ${{ failure() }} uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3 with: name: home-server-failure-logs-${{ inputs.suite }}-${{ matrix.db_type }}-${{ matrix.cache_type }} retention-days: 5 path: | logs/output.log