import * as chai from 'chai' import { expect } from 'chai' import chaiAsPromised from 'chai-as-promised' import chaiString from 'chai-string' import fs from 'fs' import { parseHTML } from 'linkedom' import 'mocha' import nock from 'nock' import { getNewsletterHandler } from '../src' import { generateUniqueUrl } from '../src/content-handler' import { AxiosHandler } from '../src/newsletters/axios-handler' import { BeehiivHandler } from '../src/newsletters/beehiiv-handler' import { BloombergNewsletterHandler } from '../src/newsletters/bloomberg-newsletter-handler' import { ConvertkitHandler } from '../src/newsletters/convertkit-handler' import { CooperPressHandler } from '../src/newsletters/cooper-press-handler' import { EnergyWorldHandler } from '../src/newsletters/energy-world' import { EveryIoHandler } from '../src/newsletters/every-io-handler' import { GenericHandler } from '../src/newsletters/generic-handler' import { GhostHandler } from '../src/newsletters/ghost-handler' import { GolangHandler } from '../src/newsletters/golang-handler' import { HeyWorldHandler } from '../src/newsletters/hey-world-handler' import { IndiaTimesHandler } from '../src/newsletters/india-times-handler' import { MorningBrewHandler } from '../src/newsletters/morning-brew-handler' import { SubstackHandler } from '../src/newsletters/substack-handler' chai.use(chaiAsPromised) chai.use(chaiString) const load = (path: string): string => { return fs.readFileSync(path, 'utf8') } describe('Newsletter email test', () => { describe('#getNewsletterUrl()', () => { it('returns url when email is from SubStack', async () => { const headers = { 'list-post': '' } await expect( new SubstackHandler().parseNewsletterUrl(headers, '') ).to.eventually.equal('') }) it('returns url when email is from Axios', async () => { const url = '' const html = `View in browser at ${url}` await expect( new AxiosHandler().parseNewsletterUrl({}, html) ).to.eventually.equal(url) }) it('returns url when email is from Bloomberg', async () => { const url = '' const html = ` View in browser ` await expect( new BloombergNewsletterHandler().parseNewsletterUrl({}, html) ).to.eventually.equal(url) }) it('returns url when email is from Golang Weekly', async () => { const url = '' const html = ` Read on the Web ` await expect( new GolangHandler().parseNewsletterUrl({}, html) ).to.eventually.equal(url) }) it('returns url when email is from Morning Brew', async () => { const url = '' const html = ` View Online ` await expect( new MorningBrewHandler().parseNewsletterUrl({}, html) ).to.eventually.equal(url) }) context('when email is from TTSO', () => { before(() => { nock('') .head( '/ls/click?upn=P3-2FaBQ7M-2FNDUahrImPzjb5IJ1HxwpoWueibAnkVYsE7-2BEheb6ET732gFDDPaU3kbVi8SbYJ1qrmirIU-2Bv-2FXI7ATVIKLxbniavLprvKAI4D4MF3x-2BTrsmTPADymnqAAcraWiuQsupuWZBun933pm6WZqKUKSxVYJzstKQf99AKNWeVPVRJp6JB2iY2FYSMsK-2BuUvZxdKXxO6ulSVynglWjqVN-2BoymZZUGgPSZyaxhVOPaGh3Zm8XAjQ-2Bg-2Bj5lJv2d7V5T_vVXscVLXlj5UtQe3aqo5RMTdTq2PepdZjP86UOmA8nxwv9liJXSvQhGKaieq5BGLFF1BYI-2FiEnfr1neeqi6jXSQvOWKGt9lxEPSLVP3ON5ZlNo-2FabdBl0c-2BV7Fivi1b3NGRcnoPsSyWZVXcYqCHaabltMz0-2Bw3U3rmfSIGPyDyyRcrmT81QUw6CrIx55zcwJlPbX7eL0Y2Gp9y7AymwAgw-3D-3D' ) .reply(301, undefined, { Location: '', }) nock('').head('/2023-01-31').reply(200, '') }) it('returns url when email is from TTSO', async () => { const url = '' const html = load('./test/data/ttso-newsletter.html') await expect( new GenericHandler().parseNewsletterUrl({}, html) ).to.eventually.equal(url) }) }) context('when email is from', () => { before(() => { nock('') .head( '/ls/click?upn=MnmHBiCwIPe9TmIJeskmAzMyFAOgfmWxTSMhUO2y3cX7SH8TU8fE7Bob959Q5SX8kPrOyAS87mVlVX7RClBX5O3kASzJW2uCz02hYzOF2YQ0jOrkqrBElBIkfeLl7ZERdDGVCD8VSijl4E0Tqgyrzl2vhAQyRsnJuYNo38k-2FROTfvWd85434dJ5Ajc284NO0JH4cM9g-2BdWlh0bID30oroznIHSP8Lg4qTxIVRNMq8zYyOtmR3fanZTexF5IrLPDqQMXmm0Wz0QK23ojkpC8yL3gexm2dDFZNOtKvgYlprJoR6QhevN9bulX1wI8ht5dtNccOAcexw3K4a3WMuoJp4thIKz0hIzOup38HTJPLtjRojXWKOyRBqE-2FdX17d4wY3lSqAN80IHqCic3WUBTenbU6Uo0Qi0FEVj0Iar7TuplOEENppNCZVJ5vpWMlMmQ8Wio7L_vVXscVLXlj5UtQe3aqo5RMTdTq2PepdZjP86UOmA8nyAZZ0kujTWt86aLf2utm1bD-2FSj2DcbTCh3O3HD32SBIzeJdlXzKUs-2FRqjzbupd0J1Y8z5xnvQV5k1D5zyWOAHSxLv0Ezts-2FF2V2Y974g-2FABq5B151S2LbhNv8zTY6syz-2B1z-2BrGm8iNYGAPN1C9KbPpr0x08ptebSaNu86Stmdovg-3D-3D' ) .reply(301, undefined, { Location: '', }) nock('') .head('/the-endgame-for-ai-generated-writing') .reply(200, '') }) it('returns url when email is from', async () => { const url = '' const html = load('./test/data/every-io-newsletter.html') await expect( new EveryIoHandler().parseNewsletterUrl({}, html) ).to.eventually.equal(url) }) }) context('when email is from India Times', () => { before(() => { nock('') .head( '/ls/click?upn=MnmHBiCwIPe9TmIJeskmA7k-2Fanl2A7JeTmz43mx4p6-2BbVKhpGtIfBa3Xxod6WoctYT6-2Fb-2Bpetp731F11WSOEvlcPaxSxNySmqMmLO-2FGO4lhOZ8XXhedQfJte-2Fg9Ewne7DNoRsb8wlAx1UfaFvu3zO5SbuXaneYjBP1ABV0l-2FgsuTKWa1VFEpWvU9c98b-2Bik7ghrWCOBmq7UH-2F1uQeI4CYGZyfZgdgPuxXS7wDDMtbcwK94jgZu9qNnmZxrZvlkd4-2Fa0S7JscNs5hMMvSItOpEhBkg-2FJ0kYEQl5BH7URUVHCsSVOWjkNvi6zR-2FCee4d8N9rdlB-2B-2BNQmKTCmAUkpaN1rUCo-2FmHpxPBegoAXAq7xhUhVsrwB5ZMiE016PcvZVtmPOpQ6JUgEsOPmlwgqpiBBdS72F0MBAaHJ4UlwO0M08c-3D3scO_vVXscVLXlj5UtQe3aqo5RMTdTq2PepdZjP86UOmA8nw5KA5beJqibyCtKjs9B8ujlcJz2XyMv0igaenerEPZCi-2BBaSRMwy51CLX95xCACWKNyJ0D4Uw5yeEIBGgS1xQt-2FDDxs9on7jJAO1iusiJLC-2FIwban22f-2FXbBPIc9TY9KlGymfoYNWMw-2BbFxypix9BZb8hDCEIqaFfjNphExgkdPw-3D-3D' ) .reply(301, undefined, { Location: '', }) nock('') .head( '/india/timestopten/msid-97559156.cms?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=timestop10_daily_newsletter' ) .reply(200, '') }) it('returns url when email is from India Times', async () => { const url = '' const html = load('./test/data/india-times-newsletter.html') await expect( new IndiaTimesHandler().parseNewsletterUrl({}, html) ).to.eventually.equal(url) }) }) }) describe('get author from email address', () => { it('returns author when email is from Substack', () => { const from = 'Jackson Harper from Omnivore App ' expect(new AxiosHandler().parseAuthor(from)).to.equal( 'Jackson Harper from Omnivore App' ) }) it('returns author when email is from Axios', () => { const from = 'Mike Allen ' expect(new AxiosHandler().parseAuthor(from)).to.equal('Mike Allen') }) it('returns email address if author is not there', () => { const from = '' expect(new AxiosHandler().parseAuthor(from)).to.equal(from) }) }) describe('getNewsletterHandler', () => { it('returns substack newsletter handler', async () => { const html = load('./test/data/substack-forwarded-newsletter.html') const handler = await getNewsletterHandler({ html, from: '', headers: {}, }) expect(handler) }) it('returns SubstackHandler for private forwarded substack newsletter', async () => { const html = load( './test/data/substack-private-forwarded-newsletter.html' ) const handler = await getNewsletterHandler({ html, from: '', headers: {}, }) expect(handler) }) it('returns undefined for substack welcome email', async () => { const html = load('./test/data/substack-forwarded-welcome-email.html') const handler = await getNewsletterHandler({ html, from: '', headers: {}, }) expect(handler) }) it('returns SubstackHandler for substack newsletter with static tweets', async () => { const html = load( './test/data/substack-with-static-tweets-newsletter.html' ) const handler = await getNewsletterHandler({ html, from: '', headers: {}, }) expect(handler) }) it('fixes up static tweets in Substack newsletters', async () => { const url = '' const html = load( './test/data/substack-with-static-tweets-newsletter.html' ) const handler = await getNewsletterHandler({ html, from: '', headers: {}, }) expect(handler) const dom = parseHTML(html).document expect(handler?.shouldPreParse(url, dom)) const preparsed = await handler?.preParse(url, dom) const tweets = Array.from( preparsed?.querySelectorAll('div[class="_omnivore-static-tweet"]') ?? [] ) expect(tweets.length).to.eq(7) }) it('fixes up static quote tweets in Substack newsletters', async () => { const url = '' const html = load('./test/data/substack-static-quote-tweet.html') const handler = await getNewsletterHandler({ html, from: '', headers: {}, }) expect(handler) const dom = parseHTML(html).document expect(handler?.shouldPreParse(url, dom)) const preparsed = await handler?.preParse(url, dom) const tweets = Array.from( preparsed?.querySelectorAll( 'div[class="_omnivore-static-quote-tweet"]' ) ?? [] ) expect(tweets.length).to.eq(1) }) it('returns BeehiivHandler for newsletter', async () => { const handler = await getNewsletterHandler({ html: '', from: '', headers: { 'x-newsletter': '', 'x-beehiiv-type': 'newsletter', }, }) expect(handler) }) it('returns GhostHandler for ghost newsletter', async () => { const html = load('./test/data/ghost-newsletter.html') const handler = await getNewsletterHandler({ html, from: '', headers: {}, }) expect(handler) }) it('returns ConvertkitHandler for convertkit newsletter', async () => { const html = load('./test/data/convertkit-newsletter.html') const handler = await getNewsletterHandler({ html, from: '', headers: {}, }) expect(handler) }) it('returns CooperPressHandler for node-weekly newsletter', async () => { const html = load('./test/data/node-weekly-newsletter.html') const handler = await getNewsletterHandler({ html, from: '', headers: {}, }) expect(handler) }) it('returns HeyWorldHandler for hey world newsletter', async () => { const html = load('./test/data/hey-world-newsletter.html') const handler = await getNewsletterHandler({ html, from: 'Hongbo Wu ', headers: { 'list-unsubscribe': '', }, }) expect(handler) }) it('returns ConvertkitHandler for Tomasz Tunguz newsletter', async () => { const html = load('./test/data/tomasz-tunguz-newsletter.html') const handler = await getNewsletterHandler({ html, from: '', headers: {}, }) expect(handler) }) it('returns undefined for convertkit confirmation email', async () => { const html = load('./test/data/convertkit-confirmation.html') const handler = await getNewsletterHandler({ html, from: '', headers: {}, }) expect(handler) }) it('returns GenericHandler for TTSO newsletter', async () => { const html = load('./test/data/ttso-newsletter.html') const handler = await getNewsletterHandler({ html, from: 'Time To Sign Off ', headers: { 'list-id': '', 'list-unsubscribe': ', ', }, }) expect(handler) }) it('returns EveryIoHandler for newsletter', async () => { const html = load('./test/data/every-io-newsletter.html') const handler = await getNewsletterHandler({ html, from: 'Every ', headers: {}, }) expect(handler) }) it('returns EnergyWorldHandler for energy world newsletter', async () => { const html = load('./test/data/energy-world-newsletter.html') const handler = await getNewsletterHandler({ html, from: 'ETEnergyworld Latest News', headers: {}, }) expect(handler) }) it('returns IndiaTimesHandler for india times newsletter', async () => { const html = load('./test/data/india-times-newsletter.html') const handler = await getNewsletterHandler({ html, from: 'The Times of India ', headers: {}, }) expect(handler) }) }) describe('findNewsletterUrl', async () => { context('when email is from Substack', () => { before(() => { nock('') .head( '/c/eJxNkk2TojAQhn-N3KTyQfg4cGDGchdnYcsZx9K5UCE0EMVAkTiKv36iHnarupNUd7rfVJ4W3EDTj1M89No496Uw0wCxgovuwBgYnbOGsZBVjDHzKPWYU8VehUMWOlIX9Qhw4rKLzXgGZziXnRTcyF7dK0iIGMVOG_OS1aTmKPRDilgVhTQUPCQIcE0x-MFTmJ8rCUpA3KtuenR2urg1ZtAzmszI0tq_Z7m66y-ilQo0uAqMTQ7WRX8auJKg56blZg7WB-iHDuYEBzO6NP0R1IwuYFphQbbTjnTH9NBfs80nym4Zyj8uUvyKbtUyGr5eUz9fNDQ7JCxfJDo9dW1lY9lmj_JNivPbGmf2Pt_lN9tDit9b-WeTetni85Z9pDpVOd7L1E_Vy7egayNO23ZP34eSeLJeux1b0rer_xaZ7ykS78nuSjMY-nL98rparNZNcv07JCjN06_EkTFBxBqOUMACErnELUNMSxTUjLDQZwzcqa4bRjCfeejUEFefS224OLr2S5wxPtij7lVrs80d2CNseRV2P52VNFMBipcdVE-U5jkRD7hFAwpGOylVwU2Mfc9qBh7DoR89yVnWXhgQFHnIsbpVb6tU_B-hH_2yzWY' ) .reply(301, undefined, { Location: '', }) nock('') .head('/p/companies-that-eat-people-217') .reply(200, '') }) it('gets the URL from the header', async () => { const html = load('./test/data/substack-forwarded-newsletter.html') const url = await new SubstackHandler().findNewsletterUrl(html) // Not sure if the redirects from substack expire, this test could eventually fail expect(url).to.startWith( '' ) }) }) context('when email is from beehiiv', () => { it('gets the URL from the header', async () => { const url = await new BeehiivHandler().parseNewsletterUrl( { 'x-newsletter': '', }, '' ) expect(url).to.startWith('') }) }) context('when email is from convertkit', () => { before(() => { nock('') .head( '/ls/click?upn=MnmHBiCwIPe9TmIJeskmA7wDTJvdVU1ACmSJ753YuhScf71JWthxqM8RnVh-2FZG0rYzrbR04P99S2ld2OkTtQmrx2FDwArpYdk5N0jVpN9dLBZ-2BdPNqkRHxNvuygY8-2F-2FtRNFoPjxjtTuyWM6L3tcYDYnAnL2xCueddWcFlUNrQWsvLotmgvC-2BrQc7bxsZhW0pUBmS_vVXscVLXlj5UtQe3aqo5RMTdTq2PepdZjP86UOmA8nzSBnnaDN-2FNHWDodWnbUOPZ063v3w3z8QtcaPpE1qNu8xYkNJJFb-2F1uZEG-2BzsLfyDkjvvVX5zYs5OyyRYlhMOlXDJcr4-2FtMrFwii0uFAvwbhxDdnTxEpi-2F7maufyH39AEO-2BtCeSUg5V4FM43UpI1zUSXeWK-2Fh5JumSmR5XhrrRAig-3D-3D' ) .reply(301, undefined, { Location: '', }) nock('') .head('/brain-food/october-16-2022/') .reply(200, '') }) it('gets the URL from the header', async () => { const html = load('./test/data/convertkit-newsletter.html') const url = await new ConvertkitHandler().findNewsletterUrl(html) expect(url).to.startWith('') }) }) it('returns undefined if it is not a newsletter', async () => { const html = load('./test/data/substack-forwarded-welcome-email.html') const url = await new SubstackHandler().findNewsletterUrl(html) expect(url) }) context('when email is from ghost', () => { before(() => { nock('') .head( '/ls/click?upn=MnmHBiCwIPe9TmIJeskmA9nRLefEmmgrd5xWS-2Bc39wxPBpwDRny1FmWt1H0FpgKAz1dv_vVXscVLXlj5UtQe3aqo5RMTdTq2PepdZjP86UOmA8nzulL-2F3YyC-2FHgJV0JnOPtjNvgjHSaQVfisQ15hPQtnlo4t73zgTQL4QnDoer4qJ3-2F2Lf-2F2ElFMF3NyoUD4eqWCWwUM0w4P9Feaeo-2BolkySAB611BySXRt6V3Z-2F7mQcpcRX3D9zV-2B-2FdRY0Vn30aR-2BKY8qpTFuivxzF19UkQGjK5srg-3D-3D' ) .reply(301, undefined, { Location: '', }) nock('').head('/2022-10-14/').reply(200, '') }) it('gets the URL from the header', async () => { const html = load('./test/data/ghost-newsletter.html') const url = await new GhostHandler().findNewsletterUrl(html) expect(url).to.startWith('') }) }) context('when email is from cooper press', () => { before(() => { nock('') .head( '/ls/click?upn=MnmHBiCwIPe9TmIJeskmA7mFdqmsIs-2B5Xs-2FNpSIs56obSPDXnoBEjufvIqRCEJUf5Uqg_vVXscVLXlj5UtQe3aqo5RMTdTq2PepdZjP86UOmA8nyFE700vlj1-2FK27spZiPEiEkDU3SIXWGeoiU60KFhM-2B-2Bxx5yiL8KKbAV6oFceRi8O1gMc3mdwg5D8FaaM3PublaX24iAcVbn99PzxJaPuVrU6xDWbRovw2UgGTIoEI-2BBO-2B0qzi2wv5c6yJTkUGZOcsJ6xGLXO1BO-2BHSbyZMZV4NMw-3D-3D' ) .reply(301, undefined, { Location: '', }) nock('').head('/issues/459').reply(200, '') }) it('gets the URL from the header', async () => { const html = load('./test/data/node-weekly-newsletter.html') const url = await new CooperPressHandler().findNewsletterUrl(html) expect(url).to.startWith('') }) }) context('when email is from hey world', () => { before(() => { nock('') .head('/dhh/here-s-how-to-fix-twitter-79632ecb') .reply(200, '') }) it('gets the URL from the header', async () => { const html = load('./test/data/hey-world-newsletter.html') const url = await new HeyWorldHandler().findNewsletterUrl(html) expect(url).to.startWith( '' ) }) }) context('when email is from TTSO', () => { before(() => { nock('') .head( '/ls/click?upn=P3-2FaBQ7M-2FNDUahrImPzjb5IJ1HxwpoWueibAnkVYsE7-2BEheb6ET732gFDDPaU3kbVi8SbYJ1qrmirIU-2Bv-2FXI7ATVIKLxbniavLprvKAI4D4MF3x-2BTrsmTPADymnqAAcraWiuQsupuWZBun933pm6WZqKUKSxVYJzstKQf99AKNWeVPVRJp6JB2iY2FYSMsK-2BuUvZxdKXxO6ulSVynglWjqVN-2BoymZZUGgPSZyaxhVOPaGh3Zm8XAjQ-2Bg-2Bj5lJv2d7V5T_vVXscVLXlj5UtQe3aqo5RMTdTq2PepdZjP86UOmA8nxwv9liJXSvQhGKaieq5BGLFF1BYI-2FiEnfr1neeqi6jXSQvOWKGt9lxEPSLVP3ON5ZlNo-2FabdBl0c-2BV7Fivi1b3NGRcnoPsSyWZVXcYqCHaabltMz0-2Bw3U3rmfSIGPyDyyRcrmT81QUw6CrIx55zcwJlPbX7eL0Y2Gp9y7AymwAgw-3D-3D' ) .reply(301, undefined, { Location: '', }) nock('').head('/2023-01-31').reply(200, '') }) it('gets the URL from the header', async () => { const html = load('./test/data/ttso-newsletter.html') const url = await new GenericHandler().findNewsletterUrl(html) expect(url).to.startWith('') }) }) }) describe('generateUniqueUrl', () => { it('generates a unique URL', () => { const url1 = generateUniqueUrl() const url2 = generateUniqueUrl() expect(url1).to.not.eql(url2) }) }) describe('get unsubscribe from header', () => { const mailTo = '' const httpUrl = '' it('returns mail to address if exists', () => { const header = `, ` expect(new GenericHandler().parseUnsubscribe(header).mailTo).to.equal( mailTo ) }) it('returns http url if exists', () => { const header = `<${httpUrl}>` expect(new GenericHandler().parseUnsubscribe(header).httpUrl).to.equal( httpUrl ) }) }) describe('preParse', () => { context('when email is from Substack', () => { it('removes the Substack footer and header', async () => { const url = '' const html = load('./test/data/substack-newsletter-new.html') const dom = parseHTML(html).document const preparedDom = await new SubstackHandler().preParse(url, dom) // compare prepared html to the expected html const expectedHTML = load( './test/data/prepared/substack-newsletter-new.html' ) expect(preparedDom.documentElement.outerHTML).to.eql(expectedHTML) }) }) }) })