import { WiredHandler } from '../src/websites/wired-handler' import fs from 'fs'; import nock from 'nock' import { expect } from 'chai' import { parseHTML } from 'linkedom' describe('Testing Wired Paywalled Article opening', () => { const load = (path: string): string => { return fs.readFileSync(path, 'utf8') } before(() => { const html = load('./test/data/wired-article.html'); nock('').persist().get('/article').reply(200, html) }) it('should parse the title of the wired article.', async () => { const response = await new WiredHandler().preHandle( '' ); // We grab the title from the doucment. expect(response.title) }) it('should remove callout', async () => { const response = await new WiredHandler().preHandle( '' ); const html = load('./test/data/wired-article.html'); const priorDom = parseHTML(html).document; expect(priorDom.querySelector('[data-testid="GenericCallout"]')) // Should no longer be the case after pre-rendering. expect(response.dom?.querySelector('[data-testid="GenericCallout"]')) }); it ('should remove any ad placeholders', async() => { const response = await new WiredHandler().preHandle( '' ); expect(response.dom?.querySelector('.ad__slot')) }) it ('should remove any related content links.', async() => { const response = await new WiredHandler().preHandle( '' ); // This exists in the HTML, but we remove it when preparsing. expect(response.dom?.querySelector('[data-most-popular-id]')); }) })