/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/naming-convention */ import chalk from 'chalk' import * as dotenv from 'dotenv' import Postgrator from 'postgrator' dotenv.config() const log = (text: string, style: typeof chalk.white = chalk.white): void => console.log(`${chalk.cyanBright('>')} ${style(text)}`) interface DBEnv { host: string port: number database: string username: string password: string } const getEnv = (): DBEnv => { const { PG_HOST: host, PG_PORT: port, PG_DB: database, PG_USER: username, PG_PASSWORD: password, } = process.env if (typeof username !== 'string') { throw new Error('No PG user passed in env') } if (typeof password !== 'string') { throw new Error('No PG password passed in env') } const config = { host: host || '', port: port ? parseInt(port, 10) : 5432, database: database || 'omnivore', username, password, } return config } const postgrator = new Postgrator({ migrationDirectory: __dirname + '/migrations', driver: 'pg', ...getEnv(), // Schema table name schemaTable: 'schemaversion', // Validate migration md5 checksum to ensure the contents of the script have not changed validateChecksums: true, }) log('Starting migration manager') const targetMigration = process.argv[2] const targetMigrationLabel = targetMigration ? `'${chalk.blue(targetMigration)}'` : chalk.blue('latest') log(`Migrating to ${targetMigrationLabel}.\n`) const logAppliedMigrations = ( appliedMigrations: Postgrator.Migration[] ): void => { if (appliedMigrations.length > 0) { log( `Applied ${chalk.green( appliedMigrations.length.toString() )} migrations successfully:` ) for (const migration of appliedMigrations) { const actionLabel = migration.action === 'do' ? chalk.green('+') : chalk.red('-') console.log(` ${actionLabel} ${migration.name}`) } } else { log(`No Postgres migrations applied.`) } } // postgres migration const postgresMigration = postgrator .migrate(targetMigration) .then(logAppliedMigrations) .catch((error) => { log( `${chalk.red('Postgres migration failed: ')}${error.message}`, chalk.red ) const { appliedMigrations } = error logAppliedMigrations(appliedMigrations) process.exit(1) }) postgresMigration.then(() => log('Exiting...'))