# Puppeteer parsing function handler This workspace is used to provide the GCF for the app to handle requests for the article parsing via Puppeteer. ## Using locally Copy .env.example file to .env file: `cp .env.example .env` Run `yarn start` to start the Google Cloud Function locally (Works without hot reloading). After this, you should be able to access the function on [http://localhost:8080/puppeteer](http://localhost:8080/puppeteer) ## Deployment To deploy the function use the following command: `gcloud functions deploy puppeteer --runtime nodejs12 --trigger-http --memory 1GB --set-env-vars REST_BACKEND_ENDPOINT=,JWT_SECRET=` where: `` - address of the backend server (e.g "http://localhost:4000") `` - JWT secret that the backend server is using (e.g "some_secret")